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“Komcsi” was born into the DVSC Handball Family. His parents were the coaches of the1987 Champion Team. Gábor grew up at Hódos, together with the girls. Handball remainedan important aspect of his life as a fan, and as a founding member of “Heartbreakers UltrasDebrecen” he was there for the girls through thick and thin. He had a significant role inmaking new generations of Debrecen ultras get to know handball and become fans. It isbecause of him that the Hódos stadium has one of the best atmospheres in Hungary.
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“Komcsi” was born into the DVSC Handball Family. His parents were the coaches of the1987 Champion Team. Gábor grew up at Hódos, together with the girls. Handball remainedan important aspect of his life as a fan, and as a founding member of “Heartbreakers UltrasDebrecen” he was there for the girls through thick and thin. He had a significant role inmaking new generations of Debrecen ultras get to know handball and become fans. It isbecause of him that the Hódos stadium has one of the best atmospheres in Hungary.
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