"historia grabada en piedra"

Sándor Csabáné Sipos Éva

Sándor Csabáné Sipos Éva - 1. fotó
Nombre Sándor Csabáné Sipos Éva
Nombre de nacimiento Sipos Éva
Fecha de nacimiento 1973
Lugar de nacimiento Nyíregyháza
Difunto 2018
Datos del monumento
País Hungría
Condado Hajdú-Bihar
Municipio Debrecen
Dirección Kassai út 32-34.
Con ajustes 2019
Erigido por DVSC Kézilabda Kft.
La historia del difunto EN
English (UK)
Championship matches with DVSC: 91 Goals: 94She was born in Nyíregyháza and at the age of 14 moved to Debrecen, where herexceptional talent was soon recognized. The talented right wing trained with the adults froma very young age, and was introduced to the team as a teenager. During the 1994/95 EHFCup she had a key role in Loki passing through the semifinal in Germany, because it washer 6 goals that kept the team’s spirits up during the seemingly hopeless match. Sheperformed incredibly well against the Norwegian Baekkalegets Oslo, but...
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Championship matches with DVSC: 91 Goals: 94

She was born in Nyíregyháza and at the age of 14 moved to Debrecen, where herexceptional talent was soon recognized. The talented right wing trained with the adults froma very young age, and was introduced to the team as a teenager. During the 1994/95 EHFCup she had a key role in Loki passing through the semifinal in Germany, because it washer 6 goals that kept the team’s spirits up during the seemingly hopeless match. Sheperformed incredibly well against the Norwegian Baekkalegets Oslo, but during the secondround she sustained a serious knee injury which sadly cut her career in half.
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