Our fans were on their way back from Békéscsaba when they had an accident on the 27th ofFebruary, 2016. The four of them went together as usual. They were there for the victory,then shortly headed home. On road 47 between Berettyóújfalu and Derecske, at milestone32, a loose tire from a foreign truck hit their vehicle, which as a result became uncontrollableand collided with a truck coming from the opposite direction. Three of the passengers losttheir lives in the crash immediately…
There are no words, there’s only silence and tears…
Goodbye, brothers! We will never forget you!
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Parole silenziose
Hiányzol testvérem! Soha nem felejtelek!
Írta: Levi - 2021.02.27.
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Accenda anche Lei una candela per la memoria del defunto! Preghiamo di dare il Suo proprio nome, non è obbligatorio scrivere un messaggio. Le candele accese bruciano per 7 giorni nel profilo del defunto.
Può scrivere un messaggio indirizzato al defunto, può raccontare un bel ricordo vissuto insieme, oppure può trasmettere qualche esperienza comune agli altri familiari, conoscenti, amici.
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