„kőbe vésett történet”

Komáromi Gábor

Komáromi Gábor - 1. fotó
이름 Komáromi Gábor
본명 (태어났을 때의 이름) Komáromi Gábor
생년월일 1980
출생지 Debrecen
고인 2015
기념비 정보
국가 Magyarország
도 (행정구역) Hajdú-Bihar
도시 Debrecen
주소 Kassai út 32-34.
세로로 2019
기념비 세워지기 DVSC Kézilabda Kft.
고인 이야기 EN
English (UK)
“Komcsi” was born into the DVSC Handball Family. His parents were the coaches of the1987 Champion Team. Gábor grew up at Hódos, together with the girls. Handball remainedan important aspect of his life as a fan, and as a founding member of “Heartbreakers UltrasDebrecen” he was there for the girls through thick and thin. He had a significant role inmaking new generations of Debrecen ultras get to know handball and become fans. It isbecause of him that the Hódos stadium has one of the best atmospheres in Hungary.
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“Komcsi” was born into the DVSC Handball Family. His parents were the coaches of the1987 Champion Team. Gábor grew up at Hódos, together with the girls. Handball remainedan important aspect of his life as a fan, and as a founding member of “Heartbreakers UltrasDebrecen” he was there for the girls through thick and thin. He had a significant role inmaking new generations of Debrecen ultras get to know handball and become fans. It isbecause of him that the Hódos stadium has one of the best atmospheres in Hungary.
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방문자나 방문자들을 일컫는 이름. 예를 들어 "길동이", "김포댁", 아니면 성명을 그대로 쓸 수도 있습니다. 이것은 고객님의 선택입니다.
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