Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the name Lapidaris come from? 
The word LAPIDARIS is a Latinized form, the source of which, the Latin word lapidarius / stone cutter / is derived from the word lapis, lapidis / stone /. The Latin name itself was created by taking over the French lapidaire / stone engraver, to be engraved in stone, concise / through the mediation of the German word lapidär. The lapidaris consists exclusively of capital letters and occurs only engraved on memorial stones, which is short, brief, and concise.
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How can I read the Lapidaris stone on my phone? 
Touching the Lapidaris Stone with our phone opens the online memorial page connected to it thanks to the NFC technology.
If you have an Android phone:
There is NFC in a high percentage in almost all Android-based phones
If it is available, it must be turned on, which can be done by pulling down the notification bar in most of the cases, where, for example, Bluetooth can also be turned on or off. It is usually turned on by default
If everything is all right, only the right touch can cause a problem, as not all the devices have the NFC reader in the same place. It is placed by the manufacturers either on the back of the phone, in the middle, or at the top. For newer phones, the NFC reader is located at the top of the phone.
If you have an iPhone device:
There is NFC in the phones from iPhone 7.
From iPhone 7 to X, an NFC reader app is required. It can be downloaded from the AppStore as Lapidaris, but any other NFC reader application is suitable for the purpose.
In case of iPhones, no app is needed already from the model iPhone XS, it works in the same way as for Android phones.
You don’t need to turn on NFC separately on iPhone
If you do not have an NFC-enabled smartphone, you will immediately see the memorial page by typing the link on the stone into your browser.
NFC devices
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What does the Lapidaris gift box contain? 
A Lapidaris Stone, an introductory document, and an Activation Description.
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What should I do if I received the package? 
The first step is to activate the Lapidaris Stone as described in its box. After activation, you will have the opportunity to edit the memorial page of the deceased.
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What happens if I do not activate the Lapidaris Stone? 
In this case, the data sheet of the deceased will not be available in the system of Lapidaris.
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Can the page be locked if I don’t want to use it? 
Yes, it can. Please contact our customer service at the following e-mail address:
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How can I fix the Stone on the tomb? 
The Lapidaris Stone can be placed on tombstones of granite, artificial stone, wood and any other material. We recommend the use of a two-component adhesive for fixing and the assistance of a specialist.
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Where should I place the Lapidaris Stone at the tomb? 
The stone should be fixed in an easily accessible place so that it is easily accessible by mobile phone.
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What is NFC and how does it work? 
NFC is a technology that enables fast and secure data exchange. Most cell phones and tablets support this type of communication. When two NFC-enabled devices are touched or zoomed in, communication between them starts automatically. In the case of Lapidaris, one side is the chip in the stone and the other is your device. Contact between the two allows the deceased’s profile to be opened directly.
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What happens if the Lapidaris stone is stolen or damaged? 
Unfortunately, we cannot provide security against vandalism. Lapidaris stone alone cannot be used for any other purpose, making it worthless to a potential thief. In such a case, be sure to notify the competent authority. If it does not get back to you, unfortunately, we can only provide another stone based on a new order, but photos, descriptions, commemorations and other data will not be lost from the system. If you have such a problem, please inform us at
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Milyen típusú tartalmakat lehet feltölteni a Lapidaris profilba? 
Az elhunyt szerettünkről több formában is tölthetők fel tartalmak. Létrehozhatjuk személyes idővonalát, élettörténetét, főbb mérföldköveit. Ezeket képekkel, videókkal, valamint leírásokkal egyaránt megjeleníthetjük.
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Grave data
How does grave localization work? 
Based on data from photos taken of the grave with a mobile phone. To do this, enable the Localization in the “Settings” menu option on iOS deices and enable location tags in the “Settings” menu option on the camera on Android devices. This sets the ability for the camera of your device to use and store accurate GPS data for taking a photo.
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Edit data sheet
How can I invite others to edit the data sheet? 
Click on the “Manage Administrators” button on the data sheet of the deceased and follow the instructions.
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I don’t have an NFC compatible device. How can I open the data sheet? 
Enter the link on the Stone in the address bar of your web browser.E.g.:
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What size photo can I upload to the data sheet? 
It is possible to upload a .jpeg or .png image of up to 5 MB each.
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Lapidaris operation
Can only the person who orders the Lapidaris Stone edit the profile of the deceased? 
No, the memorial page can be edited by anyone whom the buyer gives access to.
Options within the data sheet:
Edit data sheet
Upload images and videos
Light a candle free of charge for the deceased
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