„memories etched in stone”

Ferenc Puskas

„Dr. Tomas Fried, who came to know Puskas while serving as a doctor for Honved and then the national team, recalled Puskas as not only as a great player but as a “family man.””
Ferenc Puskas - 1. fotó
NAME Ferenc Puskas
Birth name Ferenc Puskás
Date of birth 2 April 1924
Place of birth Budapest, Hungary
Decased 17 November 2006
The departed's gravesite
Country Hungary
County Pest
City/Town Budapest
Cemetery St Stefan Basilic
Story of the departed
Puskás started his career in Hungary playing for Kispest and Budapest Honvéd. He was the top scorer in the Hungarian League on four occasions, and in 1948, he was the top goal scorer in Europe. During the 1950s, he was both a prominent member and captain of the Hungarian national team, known as the Mighty Magyars. In 1958, two years after the Hungarian Revolution, he emigrated to Spain where he played for Real Madrid. While playing with Real Madrid, Puskás won four Pichichis and scored seven goals in two European Champions Cupfinals.
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