Памятник Петру и Февронии
Ярославль, Russia
Ярославль, Первомайский бульвар
Set by:
Константин Чернявский, 2009
“I am not truly gone, If you keep mi in your heart. I’ll forever be alive, And we’ll never have to part.”
By Kelly Roper
By Kelly Roper

The history of the monument
Unveiled on July 8, 2009, the sculpture of Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - asymbol for superiority of family values - is now one of the main attractions of Yaroslavl city.The three meters high majestic bronze monument is located in the very center of the city, closeto the Monastery of Our Lady of Kazan. The masterpiece was handcrafted by a modern Russiansculptor Konstantin Chernyavsky.

Chernyavsky Konstantin Rodislavovich

Canonized by Russian Orthodox Church, Peter and Fevronia represent family happiness. Iconsthat depict the saints are traditionally gifted to newlyweds and couples celebrating anniversaries.It is believed that Saints Peter and Fevronia patronize families and protect them from adversities.According to a legend, the Prince of Murom, having defeated the fiery serpent, was stained withits poisonous blood and got infected with leprosy, which did not then have a cure. And one day,Peter had a dream of a young peasant Fevronia who lived in the Ryazanshchina, in a villagecalled Laskovaya, and who was capable of curing the terrible disease. The prince found Fevorniawho cured him, while he promised to marry her in gratitude for her help. However, after amiraculous recovery, Peter could not keep his word - Fevronia belonged to the estate ofcommoners. Then the disease resumed in an even more severe form, and again Fevronia curedPeter, after which he fulfilled the promise and married his savior.

However, the boyars from Peter's entourage did not like the fact that a commoner suddenlybecame a princess. They expressed their indignation to Peter, and the prince with his young wifewere forced to leave Murom. The absence of the prince caused an interregnum in Murom: eachboyar sought to seize the freed princely throne which led to fights and murders. In the end, theyhad to turn to Peter and Fevronia with repentance and pray for their return. After the couple wasback to Murom, they lived in love and harmony for many years. At an advanced age theydecided to take monastic dignity in various monasteries: Peter - under the name of David,Fevronia - Efrosinha. Both asked the Lord for only one thing - to give them an opportunity to dieon the same day, so that their bodies were buried together in a prepared tomb from a monolithicstone block. God condescended to the request of the righteous - Peter and Fevronia died on thesame day, however, the joint burial contradicted the monastic canons, and they were buriedseparately in different monastery churches. The next day a miracle happened: it turned out thatthe bodies of the spouses inexplicably appeared next to each other! Not daring to contradict thewill of the Almighty, the monks buried Peter and Fevronia in a single tomb.

The monument honoring Saints Peter and Fevronia is designed to personify family harmony. Thegrand opening of the monument took place in the presence of citizens and guests of the city,among whom were senior government officials and representatives of the clergy. At theceremony, there were couples invited whose life together had exceeded a quarter of a century.These families were awarded a special Governor's Award for Love and Fidelity.
The monument was erected in the framework of the all-Russian program “In the Circle of theFamily” adopted at the initiative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, accordingto which such monuments are erected in each city that took part in it. The main goal of theprogram was to promote the care of family members for each other.

Born in Rostov-on-Don, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. He entered the RostovPedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Graphic Arts, then transferred to the Moscow State ArtInstitute named after V.I. Surikov at the Faculty of Sculpture - workshop of Professor KerbelL.E. The thesis was the composition "Return of the Cossack from the front." The sculptor has awide range of creativity - from miniatures to monumental sculptures. Thoroughness, capacity forwork, plastic talent, knowledge of history and the gift of the thinker allow him to turn to the mostdiverse themes and forms of sculpture with equal success. The sculptor K.R. Chernyavsky is abrilliant artist, his art is particularly diverse - from heroics to poetry and philosophical depth. Themain directions of his work are the Cossacks in history and folklore, the Russian army, a modernand historical portrait, the history of Russia and Orthodoxy.
Works are in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.
Unveiled on July 8, 2009, the sculpture of Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - asymbol for superiority of family values - is now one of the main attractions of Yaroslavl city.The three meters high majestic bronze monument is located in the very center of the city, closeto the Monastery of Our Lady of Kazan. The masterpiece was handcrafted by a modern Russiansculptor Konstantin Chernyavsky.

Chernyavsky Konstantin Rodislavovich

Canonized by Russian Orthodox Church, Peter and Fevronia represent family happiness. Iconsthat depict the saints are traditionally gifted to newlyweds and couples celebrating anniversaries.It is believed that Saints Peter and Fevronia patronize families and protect them from adversities.According to a legend, the Prince of Murom, having defeated the fiery serpent, was stained withits poisonous blood and got infected with leprosy, which did not then have a cure. And one day,Peter had a dream of a young peasant Fevronia who lived in the Ryazanshchina, in a villagecalled Laskovaya, and who was capable of curing the terrible disease. The prince found Fevorniawho cured him, while he promised to marry her in gratitude for her help. However, after amiraculous recovery, Peter could not keep his word - Fevronia belonged to the estate ofcommoners. Then the disease resumed in an even more severe form, and again Fevronia curedPeter, after which he fulfilled the promise and married his savior.

However, the boyars from Peter's entourage did not like the fact that a commoner suddenlybecame a princess. They expressed their indignation to Peter, and the prince with his young wifewere forced to leave Murom. The absence of the prince caused an interregnum in Murom: eachboyar sought to seize the freed princely throne which led to fights and murders. In the end, theyhad to turn to Peter and Fevronia with repentance and pray for their return. After the couple wasback to Murom, they lived in love and harmony for many years. At an advanced age theydecided to take monastic dignity in various monasteries: Peter - under the name of David,Fevronia - Efrosinha. Both asked the Lord for only one thing - to give them an opportunity to dieon the same day, so that their bodies were buried together in a prepared tomb from a monolithicstone block. God condescended to the request of the righteous - Peter and Fevronia died on thesame day, however, the joint burial contradicted the monastic canons, and they were buriedseparately in different monastery churches. The next day a miracle happened: it turned out thatthe bodies of the spouses inexplicably appeared next to each other! Not daring to contradict thewill of the Almighty, the monks buried Peter and Fevronia in a single tomb.

The monument honoring Saints Peter and Fevronia is designed to personify family harmony. Thegrand opening of the monument took place in the presence of citizens and guests of the city,among whom were senior government officials and representatives of the clergy. At theceremony, there were couples invited whose life together had exceeded a quarter of a century.These families were awarded a special Governor's Award for Love and Fidelity.
The monument was erected in the framework of the all-Russian program “In the Circle of theFamily” adopted at the initiative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, accordingto which such monuments are erected in each city that took part in it. The main goal of theprogram was to promote the care of family members for each other.

Born in Rostov-on-Don, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. He entered the RostovPedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Graphic Arts, then transferred to the Moscow State ArtInstitute named after V.I. Surikov at the Faculty of Sculpture - workshop of Professor KerbelL.E. The thesis was the composition "Return of the Cossack from the front." The sculptor has awide range of creativity - from miniatures to monumental sculptures. Thoroughness, capacity forwork, plastic talent, knowledge of history and the gift of the thinker allow him to turn to the mostdiverse themes and forms of sculpture with equal success. The sculptor K.R. Chernyavsky is abrilliant artist, his art is particularly diverse - from heroics to poetry and philosophical depth. Themain directions of his work are the Cossacks in history and folklore, the Russian army, a modernand historical portrait, the history of Russia and Orthodoxy.
Works are in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.
Who we remember

Святые Пётр и Феврония
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